Thursday, June 30, 2011

Gillette Critique

 For Gillette, our group decided to take a different approach. In our original meetings, we watched current spots on Gillette and realized that their “Best a Man Can Get” campaign focuses on the very “manly” image of males. They make it known that by using their razors and products, men will become the ultimate version of themselves. They use athletes and voice-overs with deep, strong voices to enforce the message.             
To switch up this image, Mallory came up with the idea of taking a more light-hearted approach to the campaign. For our main target market of 24-36 year old males, we decided to use television as our main advertising medium since the older audience interacts more with TV screens. We came up with three different embarrassing scenarios for men to be in, for example, a man getting foam in his beard during a blind date at a coffee shop. The slogan at the end reads, “Would you let Gillette save face?” The idea is that Gillette products can help you avoid embarrassing situations, especially with girls. For our sub-target market of 18-22 year old males, we decided to focus our efforts on social media sites like Twitter and YouTube. Our viral videos to be featured on YouTube will feature three different scenarios with young men who need help in a situation, such as cleaning their room, and a man dressed in a foam razor suit named Close Shave Dave offers assistance. The idea is that this specific group is less experienced with skin and beauty products. At the end, the slogan reads, “Would you let Gillette be your first?” Also, in both sets of our spots, we will have a woman voice-over. It is a silly way to introduce the products and I think it will allow our campaign to stand apart. How many times do you hear a women’s voice in razor products commercials? Never.
            I really like the word play of our campaign. The way “would you let” and “Gillette” rhyme is memorable and funny. I also like how we are choosing to have two target audiences. Some may think it too risky, but I think it is necessary in order to reach the optimum amount of people. I am confident that our campaign would succeed in the real market and broaden the way people think about Gillette.

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